Motivational Monday: Another Challenge & Another Donation!! 💪🏼

Taken on my step challenge last year…I’m 2 stone heavier now and the t-shirt doesn’t fit…Yet, but it will!!! 💪🏼

Hi Fitblitzers.

Not only has it been 5 months since my computer died and left me for dead until this week…But it’s been 9 months since my 4th blindman fundraising challenge. Yes it was the step challenge for Diabetes UK over 2 months which i’d been celebrating until now…Unfortunately i fell down and put on 2 stone (28lb) during this time!! 😨

So once i’d gotten my computer sorted out so i could post and get back in fellowship with you guys, i also signed up for my 5th fundraising challenge, the ‘One Million Step’ challenge over 3 months starting 1st July 2023. I thought this would not only raise vital funds but awareness too…And as a side effect get my fitness back!! 💪🏼 😀

My Plan…

As i’m 48 years old now i have a plan (not sure if i’ll pull it off) but i thought i’d try THIS challenge now, then attempt the maximum 1.7 Million steps over 3 months next year (that’s Land’s End – John o’Groats!)…And then for my 50th…I’m not sure, do you have any ideas for my big 50th charity challenge?? 🤔

I didn’t want to post about this challenge yet, as i thought you’d be completely fed up about hearing me doing my challenges and always asking for money! But i had my 4th donation this morning from a kind lady from the ‘One Million Step Challenge Diabetes UK’ Facebook page and i got so excited i couldn’t keep quiet any longer! 😀 And while God gives me the strength in my legs…i’ll use them for doing crazy fundraising challenges to help others! 💪🏼

I’ve signed up to my 5th ‘Blindman Fundraising Challenge and i’m taking part in the One Million Steps Challenge ver 3 months (July – Sept 2023) and to raise money for Diabetes UK. I would be so grateful if you could sponsor me! Diabetes UK fund critical research, which has led to life-changing discoveries – like the first insulin pen and programmes to put type 2 diabetes into remission.


Motivational Quote:..💪🏼

“I don’t stop when I’m tired, I stop when I’m DONE!”

Let’s ‘FitBlitz’ 2023 Together! 💪🏼

Thankful Thursday: The Bench

Hi FitBlitzers! 😀

Today was my second time on the trail since January and i was happy to stumble around 1 lap (3.5 miles). The sun was blazing and trying to stop me every chance it had as i think it knows i can hardly walk in the sunshine with my sight loss. But not only have i piled on the pounds (30lbs since last year…I was celebrating my fundraising challenges a little too much and for too long), but not even the sun is going to hold me back from my goals now i’m back! 💪🏼 😀 I told you it was a rollercoaster of a fitness journey, lol! 🤣

As it’s ‘Thankful Thursday’ i thought i’d give some of my thanks to the halfway bench (see photo i’d taken this morning). It is located on the far side of my lap and is about the halfway point where there is a fork in the path where i’ve been lost many times, lol! 🤣 It sits right in the heart of the woods and is a fantastic place to sit and have a rest, a drink, some sandwiches and relax listening to all of the lovely sounds of the nature reserve. 😲

It feels so good being out and getting in my steps again, writing posts now i’ve found a work-around and most of all connecting with all of you guys! ❤️😀

Let’s ‘FitBlitz’ 2023 together!! 💪🏼

Motivational Quote:..

“It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”


Motivational Monday: I’m Back!! 💪🏼

Hi Fitblitzers.

I can’t believe it’s been 5 months since i’ve last posted! I’ll try and give you an abridged version of my fight to adapt and overcome to keep blogging!

In January (after my last post) my trusty 2010 iMac died for good, it was like my old friend. I was already starting to have problems with ‘Marsedit’ which i used for posting instead of trying to navigate the WordPress website…And over these last few months since getting an old 2015 mac mini it stopped working completely. The WordPress app on my phone stopped to and moved over to something called ‘Jetpack’, which i also had to adapt and overcome simply to just read my notifications etc with my voiceover screenreader! I use my iPhone and desktop to do different simple tasks just to post and do basic operations…But i think i’m almost there now, lol!

I’ve seriously missed you guys and hated missing your posts, comments and friendships on my blogs…But i think i have cobbled together a simple accessible way between my mac and iPhone to get back to it!! Please let me know in the comments if you are still around here?!💪🏼

I also hadn’t been out on the walking trail and FitBlitzing my steps and fitness whilst i was sorting everything out..So now it’s time to sort this lazy body out too, it’s had far too long sitting back, feasting and celebrating last years monumental fund-raising challenges…It’s time to FitBlitz those extra pounds!!

Motivational Quote:..💪🏼

“I don’t stop when I’m tired, I stop when I’m DONE!”

Let’s ‘FitBlitz’ 2023 Together! 💪🏼

FitBlitzing Friday: Week Complete! 💪🏼

Hi FitBlitz Friends! Wow i really didn’t want to go out this morning, i found myself using every excuse possible until i told myself to shut up, lol! I try to go out on the trail every weekday (Mon – Fri) and today would be the first time this year that i’ve made it for a full week…So i was pleased when i’d dragged myself out so i can now relax for the weekend! 😀

It was 1˚C (33.8 ˚F) and even colder now i’d had a shave too…I should make a fundraising challenge about me having a shave as it’s such a challenge, lol! But with all the right clothes on i was nice and toasty on my walk this morning. 😀

The trail was once again quiet as i think the cold is keeping everyone indoors, which is great for me as i don’t have to dodge people, dogs, runners and cyclists which is mentally draining in itself. I hope you enjoy the photos for today and you have a lovely weekend. I’m really looking forwards to my Sunday roast dinner…Awww all of that veg, meat and of course yorkshire pudding! 😋 Do you have a meal that you are looking forwards too?

Motivational Quote:..💪🏼

“I don’t stop when I’m tired (or freezing), I stop when I’m DONE!”

Let’s ‘FitBlitz’ 2023 Together! 💪🏼

Photobombing Thursday: Yay Sunshine! ☀️

Hi FitBlitz Friends! Since yesterday’s attempt at a wide angle selfie, i’m starting to take them at different points around the trail…Don’t worry i won’t be in all of the photos, it feels a little like photobombing to me, lol! 🤣 Well at least you know that i’m actually there and not just using someone elses photos…I literally have to drag my lazy bones out in the cold so i can share my walking with you! 💪🏼 😀

I was happy to know that it wasn’t freezing this morning as it was a scorching 2˚C, and the sun was out, yay! In fact the sun was proper blinding and so bright that i struggled lots on my walk today…But it also meant that my photos would look better with some sunshine injection! 💪🏼 😀

I hope you’re reading this with a cup of something warm, i’m drinking some hot fresh coffee made by my lovely wife Sarah as i type this. ☕ Anyway i’ll be quiet now and let you enjoy the whopping 4 photos i’ve taken during my walk this morning. 😀

Motivational Quote:..💪🏼

“I don’t stop when I’m tired (or freezing), I stop when I’m DONE!”

Let’s ‘FitBlitz’ 2023 Together! 💪🏼

Walking Wednesday: Still Freezing! ❄️

Hi FitBlitz Friends! Yeah it’s still freezing…Well it’s only -2˚C (feels like -6˚C) and i went on the trail yesterday so i can’t complain too much, lol. I thought i’d try a go out a little bit earlier to try and get some more interesting photos, but i think i went out too early as it was too dark and really didn’t help, lol, at least i’m learning more and more each day. 🤣

I finally arrived at the pond and didn’t end up in it as it’d got a little bit lighter. I’m really getting used to where i need to stand to get my 2 photos of the pond…Well it’s working at the moment as there is nobody else around, things might change when it starts to get warmer…But i like adapting to the situation at hand! 💪🏼 😀

As i was walking around my lap of the trail, i was thinking about where i could take a photo that you hadn’t seen yet…Then i thought “I can’t take selfies but i can use the normal rear cameras and take a wide angle, which will give much more scope to try and fit me in the shot as i don’t know where i’m pointing”.

As i can’t see the camera at all i was pleasantly surprised when i zoomed in on my mac at home and seen me in the shot (success). Not the most flattering shot of me but this is real life as it happens, lol. At least i managed to point my googly eyes near the camera (only because i was holding it so i knew roughly where it was) which is a bonus too! 🤣

Motivational Quote:..💪🏼

“I don’t stop when I’m tired (or freezing), I stop when I’m DONE!”

Let’s ‘FitBlitz’ 2023 Together! 💪🏼

Too Cold Tuesday: Even Colder! ❄️

Hi Frozen FitBlitz Friends! I think you can guess that i really didn’t want to go out on the trail this morning, but that’s not the FitBlitz attitude is it, lol! After checking the weather app and it confirming that it was freezing (well below freezing, lol) my first thought was ‘at least the pond photo should look nice and white for all of you guys’ 😀 So really it’s your fault why i’m having to go out and freeze to death, lol! 🤣

I didn’t want to stand still for too long as i’d end up being one of those ice sculptures…So i quickly took the wide angle and normal zoom to get the 2 shots and crunched my way towards the path. There wasn’t too many other people out today (don’t know why, lol) so i thought i’d get a couple of photos today for you to enjoy in the warmth. 😀

Now i’m back home safely and in the warm with a hot coffee typing this, i’m happy i kept fighting myself (my body seriously didn’t want to go) and walked the 3.5 miles i need to continue my “Q1 & Q2 FitBlitzing Fitness Goals”. 💪🏼 😀

Motivational Quote:..💪🏼

“I don’t stop when I’m tired (or freezing), I stop when I’m DONE!”

Let’s ‘FitBlitz’ 2023 Together! 💪🏼

Motivational Monday: Wow it’s cold!

Hi FitBlitz Friends! Awww it’s freezing out here and by the time i’d arrived at the pond, my ears and face were frozen…But at least i got to stop and take a photo for you guys! 😀

I like to take a wide angle shot so you can see all around the pond at the trees etc, then you can tell me when the leaves start to grow and the flowers come out. Then i creep a little closer hoping i don’t fall in as i can’t see exactly where the edge is…Then i take a closer photo for you to look at with hopefully more detail?! Well this is my new method for 2023 and i hope you enjoy it! 😀

Anyway i’m not here to enjoy myself relaxing and ensconced in beautiful scenery, lol! I’m here to smash my daily goal of 1 lap (3.5 miles) of this trail without completely freezing to death.

There was no sun today so much better for me, and there wern’t many people out on the trail to try and dodge…I think the freezing cold weather kept them in, yay! I was very happy to get back home safely to my lovely wife Sarah and a hot coffee. ☕ 💪🏼

Motivational Quote:..💪🏼

“I don’t stop when I’m tired, I stop when I’m DONE!”

Let’s ‘FitBlitz’ 2023 Together! 💪🏼

Footloose Friday: Somebody stop my legs!

Hi FitBlitz Friends! The sun was shining bright this morning which was a welcome change to the rain, as it made the pond photo look more interesting for you guys! 😀

This morning i tried putting on my super Inov8 Trailfly Ultra G300 MAX trail shoes, instead of the walking boots i’ve been wearing for the last few days as i’ve been checking how clear the trail is…But since it’s pretty clear i put on the supercar of trail shoes! 😀

Wow i wished i didn’t, lol…The muscle memory in my legs must have cut in as they went straight back to my ‘fundraising challenge fitness walking speed’ and i simply couldn’t slow them down! They had totally forgotten that i’m much heavier and not as fit as my last challenge 3 months ago…I’m really regretting celebrating my achievements so much over the last 3 months, lol! 🤣

Well at least i’m back out on the trail now, and i know exactly what needs to be done to get back in shape! 💪🏼 😀

Motivational Quote:..💪🏼

“I don’t stop when I’m tired, I stop when I’m DONE!”

Let’s ‘FitBlitz’ 2023 Together! 💪🏼

Tree Fallen Thursday: More Rain Too!

Hi FitBlitz family! After more rain this morning (the fine stuff that soaks you through, lol) i thought my walk would be cut short, when i stumbled upon this fallen tree. For anyone else this wouldn’t be a problem, but for this blind man it means stop and turn around and go home! But…As i stood there taking this photo for you guys i heard somebody walking towards me, i couldn’t see them but my hearing is fantastic, yay! My plan was to look busy and wait until they arrived and then i’d try and figure out how they navigated this obstacle?!

They didn’t go around the tree so i knew it must be a long one, they just stepped over it with little effort…Excellent now it’s my turn…I walked up until i kicked the tree and did a large exaggerated step over (nearly kneeing myself in the face, lol)…Yay i did it! 💪🏼 One small step but one huge achievement for this blindman!! 🤣 💪🏼

Also on my way through the nature reserve trail i walk past the lovely pond. I love stopping each day i’m out even though i can’t see it, i know that you guys can, and i love to show you how it is changing as we go through the seasons together! That’s my reason for boring you to death with the same photos of the pond lol! 🤣

Let’s ‘FitBlitz’ 2023 Together! 💪🏼

Motivational Quote:..

Jess C. Scott

“A fit, healthy body — that is the best fashion statement.”

Traipsing Tuesday: Rain! 🌧

Hi FitBlitz family! With a hot coffee in hand and listening to the rain lashing the windows, i thought i’d have an interesting walk this morning and it’s only day 2 of hitting the trail. I’m doing 1 lap to start 2023 which works out at 3.5 miles…Which is plenty for me after losing my fitness for having 3 months off, don’t want to do that again, lol! 😨

The avantage for me walking in the rain is i don’t have the blinding sun then the dark shadows of the trees, it’s just a dull grey…Also there is hardly anyone else out there which is great when i’m traipsing around like a lost zombie, lol! 🤣

So there’s no dramas to report today as i made it back home safely although soaked, lol! 🤣 What are you doing to FitBlitz this year?

Let’s ‘FitBlitz’ 2023 Together! 💪🏼

Motivational Quote:..

Jess C. Scott

“A fit, healthy body — that is the best fashion statement.”

Motivational Monday: I’m Back!! 💪🏼 😀

Hi friends! After having the whole Q4 celebrating my 2 fundraisering ultra walks last year…Yes the ultra walks i thought this blindman would never be able to achieve, but thanks to all of you out there who supported, cheered and donated i completed them, thank you so much! 😀

But now it’s Q1 i’ve really got to get back on it and get walking those trails! As it was a massive 3 months since i’d been out on my usual trail i t was very difficult as it’s winter and the paths are different and some of my markers have gone…But i managed it safely and got back home in one piece, a great start towards my goal of removing this unwanted weight after too much celebrating…I never said this weight loss journey was easy, lol! 😨

How are you guys doing? I hope you havn’t been as bad as me and you’ve continued to smash your goals?

Let’s ‘FitBlitz’ 2023 together!! 💪🏼

Motivational Quote:..

Jim Rohn

“You can either suffer the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.”

❤️ 1 Million Steps Complete! 💪🏼

Hi Friends!!

Yay this blindman has somehow managed to drag this classic body 500 miles and reach 1 million steps to complete the challenge with 6 days to go!! I’m seriously heading for the pits to be restored and give my legs a rest so they won’t be as swollen and battered. 💪🏼 😀

You’ll be pleased to hear i won’t be doing any more charity challenges this year, so i won’t be hounding you for donations…But as this is my last opportunity and i’ve already smashed one of my two goals (the steps) please could you help me smash my fundraising goal??!!

During this agonising challenge and battling an omnifarious amount of emotions, i’ve learned that brittle type 1 diabetes is a million times worse than i’ve been feeling, and it simply never gives up, stays the same and definitely never rests! I really have full respect for my lovely wife Sarah and all the other amazing warriors who suffer on and carry on the fight! 💪🏼

So if you’re feeling inspired…Please hit the donate button and support my stepping challenge. Every step and every donation counts. Join me and let’s help everybody living with diabetes. For all the mums, dads, wives, husbands, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, grandparents, and best friends, creating a world where diabetes can do no harm.

Every penny given will go towards Diabetes UK care and support services, advice and guidance, and pioneering research. Together, we’re changing the world for people with diabetes. 💪🏼

Thank you so much, Steve & Sarah! ❤️

Day 53/61: Home Straight…Hopefully! 😲

Hi Friends!!

Man is this challenge still going?! I don’t know about you but i was fed up after the 1st month…I think I’m having ‘post challenge blues’ but during the challenge, lol! 🤣

I think my legs are shorter, i’m really starting to hate walking and most of all my lovely new trainers burned out after 300 miles!! 😭 I can’t believe this challenge is still going on, i’m seriously not doing another endurance challenge again (not sure how true this statement will be once i’ve finished).

Oh i almost forgot…I’m meant to be celebrating passing 900,000 steps (that’s around 450 miles) which is fantastic and further than i’ve ever walked without a days rest! I hope you can celebrate for me as i’m still on the floor exhausted and lacking the power to go on.

I know brittle type 1 diabetes is a million times worse than i’m feeling right now, and it never gives you a rest period…I really have full respect for Sarah and all the other amazing warriors who suffer on and fight it! 💪🏼

Day 39/61: Thunder storms! ⛈

Hi Friends!!

Wow now that was a soaking, lol! 🤣 As i walked out with my rain coat on i was thinking it was a bad idea as i was getting a little warm. The sun was still blazing after mile three, and i was thinking of walking home as it was too difficult…Until…The sun ran off and it absolutely hammered it down!! 😨

The best thing about the rain hammering my cap and trying to pierce my rain coat, was everything went grey and dull so i could see a tiny bit better…Win win, lol! 🤣 I also hit my record steps in one day during this challenge, i hit 34,000 steps which will really help me catch up!! 💪🏼 😀

My legs are just about holding on for dear life, even after rolling over on my ankles a few times over the last 2 days…Thankfully my old football days have somehow made them like rubber as i used to always roll over, or get smashed over on my ankles…So i’ll be super thankful for that as i don’t have any injuries, yay! I need to still do 8.5 miles a day for the remaining 22 days…Your prayers are always welcome! 🙏

Day 37/61: 600,000 Steps!! 🙌

Hi Friends!!

Wow i thought my ‘Ultra Step Challenge‘ during advent 2020 for Blood Pressure UK was gruelling, and that was only 24 days, lol! 😨 I’m now 2 years older and this current challenge is double the milage…But after a wayward week in the slough of despond, i’m happy to be awarded the 600,000 step badge (that’s 300 miles).

If i ever mention i’m doing another endurance charity challenge in the future, can you tell me NO, lol! 😀

Sarah’s Message…🤔

Whilst out on my walk this morning (i didn’t want to go but i did) i was flagging on about mile 4 until i recieved this message from my lovely wife Sarah:

“Oooh you are strong and amazing. 💪 I love you very much and am inspired by your determination to get these steps done… however hard it is. You are my amazing wonderful hero husband… patient, kind, loving, strong and hard wearing 🤩😍❤️”

Now that’s a message you want to receive on your walk to encourage, help and build you up until the end…Well once i’d dried my eyes anyway! 😲

❤️ Fundraising Friday! Day 33/61 😰

Hi Friends!!

It’s day 33/61, and this blindman has walked over 260 miles (over half a million steps) and i can’t believe i still have 28 days to go…If i could stop right now, i would! It’s such a gruelling challenge that just keeps going…It’s by far the worst one i’ve done so far, but i have to keep going some how?!😨

Type 1 diabetes never gives Sarah a rest, so I don’t want to have one either during my fundraising challenge!

Every donation counts…❤️

Please help and hit the donate button and support my stepping challenge. Every step and every donation counts. Join me and let’s help everybody living with diabetes. For all the mums, dads, wives, husbands, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, grandparents, and best friends, creating a world where diabetes can do no harm.

One million steps is around 500 miles, and it’s going to be a really tough challenge…It’s the furthest i’ve ever walked by a long way!! Please help! 😨

Every penny given will go towards Diabetes UK care and support services, advice and guidance, and pioneering research. Together, we’re changing the world for people with diabetes.

Day 30/61: 500,000 Steps!! 🙌

Hi Friends!!

This blindman is celebrating hitting the half way mark of this gruelling challenge…The 500,000 steps (around 250 miles) badge! 🙌

I can’t believe i’ve not posted in 6 days!! 😨 But i just wanted to let you know i’m not dead…Although i think i’m a little shorter now, or is it just the tread wear on my trail shoes, lol! 🤣

The Gruelling Challenge…😰

Diabetes is relentless and simply never stops…But neither do I!

For the last 18 years i’ve seen first hand how my lovely wife Sarah battles, struggles and copes with her ‘brittle Type 1’ diabetes. She’s such a warrior and is truly my inspiration on perseverance, determination and drive to keep fighting.

Please click HERE and read my story, donate and please share it everywhere you can!! 😀

Day 24/61: The T-Shirt!

Hi Friends!!

Yay…It’s only thanks to you guys for your kind and generous donations towards this gruelling challenge , that i’ve recieved the ‘One Million Step Challenge‘ t-shirt. Diabetes UK send you the t-shirt once you’ve raised over £100…So i can’t thank you guys enough! 💪🏼

As you’ve probably guessed…I love charity t-shirts as i can hardly see them whilst i’m out walking…But everyone else has to look (and read) my wearable advertising board, llol! 🤣 💪🏼

A quick shout out…📣

I’d just like to give a quick shout out to Dayle (from ‘Tip of my iceberg‘ blog), as her message “Steve, I hope this will encourage you a little. Know that our prayers are with you! Congratulations of pursuing this!” left on my fundraising page really helped me over the last 2 days, when my motivation was a little flat…It was a timely message to help me remember we’re all in it together so stop moaning,lol. A huge thanks to you Dayle! 💪🏼 😀

Day 22/61: 420,000 Steps!

Hi Friends!!

Awww is it only day 22 of 61!! 😨 It’s going to be a really short post today as i’m happy i’ve reached over 420,000 steps (around 200 miles)…But it’s hard to stay motivated whilst your body is aching and trying to be substituted off the playing field! Sorry i don’t have anything funny or mildly interesting to say today, but i’ll be back tomorrow when i’ll be hopefully full of beans?! 🤔

❤️ Fundraising Friday! Day 19/61 😰

Hi Friends!!

It’s day 19/61, and this blindman has walked over 160 miles and i’ve earned my 350,000 steps badge this week…Yes i’m tired and hurting as i battle my way along this gruelling challenge! 😰 Can you help this charity close to my heart? Please donate or share everywhere (or both, lol)! ❤️

Type 1 diabetes never gives Sarah a rest, so I don’t want to have one either during my fundraising challenge!

I’ve had 3 kind donations this week…One from Ian (from church), an anonymous donation and one from Ann & Michael (also from church). I can’t tell you how humbling and motivating it is to get such generous support., it also inspires me to keep going through this endurance challenge and keep fighting to help this great charity that’s close to my heart, as my lovely warrior wife Sarah has ‘Brittle Type 1 Diabetes’. ❤️ 💪🏼

Ian’s message “What a great challenge! Keep going Steve – I know you can make it. XXX”

Anonymous message “Ad Victorium” 

Ann & Michael’s message “”One more step along the road I go”” 

Every donation counts…❤️

If you’re feeling inspired…Please hit the donate button and support my stepping challenge. Every step and every donation counts. Join me and let’s help everybody living with diabetes. For all the mums, dads, wives, husbands, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, grandparents, and best friends, creating a world where diabetes can do no harm.

One million steps is around 500 miles, and it’s going to be a really tough challenge…It’s the furthest i’ve ever walked by a long way!! Please help! 😨

Every penny given will go towards Diabetes UK care and support services, advice and guidance, and pioneering research. Together, we’re changing the world for people with diabetes.

Thank you so much, Steve & Sarah! ❤️

Day 16,17 &18/61: Getting lost, 3 donations & 350,000 steps!

Hi Friends!!

Yay…I’m celebrating that this blindman has reached over 350,000 steps!! I’m also trying to calm my aching legs…But i already feel like a battered ‘Group B’ rally car after being thrashed around the rally stages, and i’ve only done a third of the challenge! 😨

I think i need to break out my old panel beating skills to repair and restore my old classic bodywork. It needs lots of repairs,planishing and some putty filler, lol! 🤣

Getting lost in the woods…😨

As you may know it’s taken me about 2 years to finally create a 2.5 mile lap in my local woods…But as I’m now using my new microsoft soundscape GPS app to navigate me through the woods, i had a bright idea to try and lengthen my trail lap…Bad idea! 🤣

At least it was nice as i was getting lost, lol! 🤣

As i was happy the heatwave had stopped and i was much cooler, i could now hear the thunder rolling in the distance. This was great but i was past the point when i could’ve turned round and gone back…But i’d shuffled further in to the woods thinking i could find my furthest audio beacon and create a cool new larger lap! 😨

The path got thinner and thinner until i was being brushed from either side by nettles and brushes, and it was getting much darker with the clouds moving in. The audio in my ears came from the left and told me my nearest beacon was 0.3 miles away at my 9 o’ clock…That’s great but there’s no path going left only forward. 🤔

And just as i was getting to the point of ‘Oh no i shouldn’t have done this’, i checked my surrounding markers on the app and there was one at around 11 O’ clock and it was about 800 feet away…Wow i couldn’t believe it…But then i hit what i thought was a brick wall, it really doesn’t look like the photo from inside my eyes!! 🤣

I fairy stepped up to the barrier thinking i’d have to turn back but knowing turning back was impossible. So i approached it zombie style but also using my feet to touch it, as i didn’t know if it was an electric fence…My imagination really isn’t good at times like these and i wish i could turn it off, lol! 🤣 Then to my amazement it had a gap in the middle and i could get through and walk safely to my audio beacon! I can’t tell you how relieved i was knowing i had returned to my trusty trail lap!! 💪🏼 😀

Wow it would be so much easier with sight…But where is the challenge, fun and yes the terror!! 😨 😀 And every step counts during this ‘one million step challenge’ for Diabetes UK!

Oh by the way…After telling Sarah about this adventure, she almost banned me from walking outside again forever unless i stick to my usual lap! She threatened me with a treadmill at home if i don’t behave! 😨

My Steps So Far…💪🏼

At the time of this post i’m just over 360,000 steps after 18 days, yay! I’m super happy with that amount of steps in 15 days…That’s well on target but there’s been no hospital or doctors appointments yet! 😨

3 donations in 3 days…!!! 😲

You’ll never believe that i’ve received a donation on each of the last 3 days by kind and generous supporters! I can’t tell you how humbling it is to receive all of your support, encouragement and motivational messages, thank you all!

Day 13,14 &15/61: Weekend Walks With The Warrior! 💪🏼 😀

Hi Friends!!

Saturday and Sunday were both scorches at 33˚C and i knew it would be tough getting lots of steps done…So as my T1D warrior wife Sarah was off work, she first made the nicest iced coffee and then we headed off to the ponds in the nature reserve. ☕ 😀

I put my AirPods in and shouted out everything my new microsoft soundscape app was telling me…Sarah said it was really useful and we could try it everywhere we go, yay a win! 🤣 When we arrived at the point that you guys know well (it’s the edge of the pond i always photograph through each season) my app shouted out “Fishing platform”…Of course it is, why didn’t i think of that, lol! 🤣 Now i wonder if there is such a thing called blind fishing? 🤔

After Sarah shouted at me to get my photo taken with the beautiful pond behind me to show you guys, we took it in turns taking pictures and enjoying the sun…It beats me stomping around the trail on my own killing myself in the burning heat, lol! 🤣

Oh i left my screenreader on my phone whilst Sarah was taking my photo, so i could hear (through my bluetooth AirPods) when there was a person in the shot etc…Sorry just a silly little thing that amuses this blindman, lol! 🤣

My Steps So Far…💪🏼

At the time of this post i’m just over 300,000 steps after 15 days, yay! I’m really looking forwards for the weather cooling down so i can catch up a little and get more steps in. 💪🏼 🤣 I’m super happy with that amount of steps in 15 days…That’s well on target but there’s been no hospital or doctors appointments yet! 😨

Today’s theme: “Post Boxes” 🤔

During Sarah’s lunchtime today and after an 8 mile walk this morning…My lovely wife Sarah took me to a post box and took a photo of me with it, lol! 🤣 Once she knew about the theme for today she had just the shot in mind. Thank you Sarah as i wouldn’t of seen any post boxes! 💪🏼

❤️ Fundraising Friday! Day 12/61 😰

Hi Friends!!

It’s day 12/61, and this blindman has walked over 110 miles and i’ve just earned my 250,000 steps badge this morning…Yes i’m tired and hurting especially through this heatwave! 😰 Can you help this charity close to my heart? Please donate or share everywhere (or both, lol)! ❤️

Type 1 diabetes never gives Sarah a rest, so I don’t want to have one either during my fundraising challenge!

I’ve had 2 kind donations this week…The 1st from my lovely wife Sarah and the 2nd friend from Dayle (blogger from the USA) which is not only humbling and motivating, it also inspires me to keep going through this endurance challenge and keep fighting to help this great charity that’s close to my heart! 💪🏼 😀

Sarah’s message “Thanks for doing this amazing challenge to support diabetes UK my lovely husband. I just wanted to contribute and get you started on what is going to be a very tiring 2 months ahead. You can do it !!!”

Dayle’s message “Steve, I hope this will encourage you a little. Know that our prayers are with you! Congratulations of pursuing this!” 

Every donation counts…❤️

If you’re feeling inspired…Please hit the donate button and support my stepping challenge. Every step and every donation counts. Join me and let’s help everybody living with diabetes. For all the mums, dads, wives, husbands, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, grandparents, and best friends, creating a world where diabetes can do no harm.

One million steps is around 500 miles, and it’s going to be a really tough challenge…It’s the furthest i’ve ever walked by a long way!! Please help! 😨

Every penny given will go towards Diabetes UK care and support services, advice and guidance, and pioneering research. Together, we’re changing the world for people with diabetes.

Thank you so much, Steve & Sarah! ❤️

Day 10/61: Shoe lace charms, Soundscape & heatwaves! ☀️

Hi Friends!!

I’ve already pounded over 100 miles wearing my super bright Inov8 Trailfly G300 max trail shoes…And as a reward for earning the first donation Diabetes UK sent me some metal shoe lace charms to wear during the challenge:

“When you receive your first donation we’ll send you a shoelace charm as a special reminder that every step counts and we must always look after our feet. We’ll post this to you automatically if you’ve opted to receive rewards. We’ll send these out throughout the challenge.”

Sarah tells me they look fantastic and fit perfectly on the trail shoe. I’m defo looking after my feet with these stupendous shoes…I really don’t want to burn them out but the challenge is worth it!! 💪🏼 😀

About The Blind Navigation Soundscape app…😲

I’ve been out on my trail again this morning, finding places where i can add new waypoints along my journey which will help me. I’ve now placed 14 audio markers which the app calls out the title and description i’ve typed, it’s distance from where i’m walking…And it beeps when i’m facing as it tracks my head movement like a compass with the new apple AirPods (it’s fantastic). It also calls out nearby roads, paths, points of interest, bus stops, crossings etc…I’m starting to like it a lot as i learn more and more, I’m finding places i never knew existed, lol! 🤣

My Steps So Far…💪🏼

At the time of this post i’m just over 208,000 steps after 10 days! I’m really looking forwards for when the weather cools down so i can get more steps in, but it’s not happening any time soon! 💪🏼 🤣

Heatwave for the rest of the week…☀️

Today’s theme: “Black & White” 🤔

During a cruise in 2017 around Greece, Montenegro and Croatia, Sarah & i had some photos taken on the ship so i just had to share one of them, as i have this one as a screensaver on my phone! ❤️

Day 9/61: Soundscape, indoor workouts & more sun! ☀️

My Soundscape app home screen! 😀

Hi Friends!!

Today was not only another hot 29˚C, but i had to wait in for some deliveries…Which meant i had to fight for my steps today! 💪🏼 I managed an early quick few miles before the start time of the deliveries, as i wanted to try out my new ‘Soundscape’ app on my trail. I’m at the beginners stage of the app so just managed to place some map markers along my route, to see if my earphones can pick them up in 360˚ audio beacon targeting thingy, which would be cool and very useful when i get lost!! 😀

I also did some workouts on apple fitness plus in my living room to try and keep my steps up…I managed quite a few steps whilst bombing around the room, lol! 🤣 Now i’ll probably spend the rest of my challenge trying to map out my trail with audio markers! 💪🏼 😀

About The Soundscape app…😲

“Microsoft Soundscape is a free iOS app that provides travelers who are visually impaired or blind information about places around them in the environment. Soundscape will announce names of stores, streets and the direction you are traveling. This app is designed to “fill in the gaps” in the traveler’s mental map. Soundscape creates a 3D audio map as you travel through the environment.”

My Steps So Far…💪🏼

At the time of this post i’m just over 188,000 steps after 9 days! 💪🏼 🤣

Today’s theme: “Leaves” 🤔

Me and my lovely wife Sarah constantly talk about the palm trees (well everything at Southern Palms, Barbados), so as the theme for today is “Leaves” i just had to post the photos of the view from our room…Awww we miss our fave place on earth! ☀️ 😀

Taken inside our room 112 at Southern Palms, Barbados.
Taken right outside our room…What a view! 😀

Day 8/61: ☀️ Heatwaves, awards & more steps!

Hi Friends!!

Yeah i’m still walking, lol! 🤣 It’s day 8 of this monumental 61 day challenge, and i have another heatwave to look forwards too for nearly 2 weeks! 😨 It’s 29˚C today and i’m getting my well rounded tan as i walk my circular lap…Well at least that’s a bonus, lol! 🤣 Walking in the sun is an absolute killer for me, as the brightness fries my eyes, brain and drains me really fast no matter what hat, cap or sunglasses combo i try…It’s just the sight i have to put up with..At least i get a break when i’m asleep, and i even dream fully sighted some of the time which is weird…But brittle Type One Diabetes never gives Sarah a rest so i’ll stop complaining, lol…And it’s why i’m doing this challenge without a rest day too! 😨

My Steps So Far…💪🏼

At the time of this post i’m just over 169,000 steps after 8 days…I think the donation on Saturday from the amazing Dayle has turbocharged my steps!! 💪🏼 🤣

Motivational Monday Awards…😲

One of the benefits of killing myself during the crazy challenges i do for the charities close to my heart is…earning the awards from my apple watch. I still can’t believe i’ve had my watch since Feb 2021, as the 500 move goals (1 per day) means i’ve had my watch for over 500 days, wow that’s gone fast! 🤣

Day 6&7/61: Dayle, Donation & Dessert! 💪🏼

Hi FitBlitz Friends!!

You’re never going to believe this (i didn’t)…Me and my lovely wife Sarah were sat in the rear garden of our favourite restaurant (Sicily Restaurant), and just as Grace was placing the stunning ‘Tiramisu’ on to the table…The muppets theme tune blasted out of my pocket from my iPhone!! I looked straight at Sarah (or as near as possible) as we both knew what the tune meant…A donation!! 😲

The incredible Tiramisu from Sicily restaurant! 😋

The Donation…😲

Before i had chance to click through and read the amazing message my phone blasted out again as i’d been awarded the badge above! 💪🏼 The loving donation actually took my fundraising to £166. 😲

Sarah was reading the many shocked looks from my face and asking who it was from? I kept saying you’re never going to believe who it’s from?? I said “it’s in US Dollars again” i said as that too is simply mind blowing for both of us, as knowing there are supporters, friends and amazing people all the way over in the states supporting this blindman is humbling to say the least! “So who is it from?” Sarah said getting more excited now! 🤔

It was from Dayle who never stops encouraging, inspiring and cheering me on from all the way over the atlantic ocean. I really can’t tell you how motivating getting a donation is…It has lifted me and given me such a boost that i’ve now done just over 150,000 steps in the first week. I would have been happy with 125,000 but after this donation i just couldn’t stop…And i can’t thank Dayle enough for always believing in me and supporting me through all of these challenges that can get a little too much some times…But Dayle is relentless at supporting and cheering me on! 💪🏼 😀 🙌

Here is Dayle’s message “Steve, I hope this will encourage you a little. Know that our prayers are with you! Congratulations of pursuing this!” ❤️

I really hope Dayle knows how much this means to me??!! 😀

My Steps So Far…💪🏼

At the time of this post i’m just over 150,000 steps after 7 days…I’m so thankful to my lovely wife Sarah for doing a lap with me Saturday and Sunday to keep my steps up! 😀

Walking At The Weekend…😀

Sarah walked me along the new path next to the big pond (on my left), i can’t really walk down this part as it’s too tricky for me…But when Sarah is with me we love to walk down this track. We did eventually get a photo of me as Sarah kept talking and i was following her voice whilst trying not to fly off the path, lol! 🤣

❤️ Fundraising Friday! 😀

Hi Friends!!

It’s day 5/61, and i’ve done 57 miles and over 115,000 steps…Yes i’m tired and hurting, lol! 🤣 Can you help this charity close to my heart? Please donate or share everywhere (or both, lol)! ❤️

Type 1 diabetes never gives Sarah a rest, so I don’t want to have one either during my fundraising challenge!

So if you’re feeling inspired…Please hit the donate button and support my stepping challenge. Every step and every donation counts. Join me and let’s help everybody living with diabetes. For all the mums, dads, wives, husbands, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, grandparents, and best friends, creating a world where diabetes can do no harm.

One million steps is around 500 miles, i’ve already donated £25…It’s going to be a really tough challenge and it’s the furthest i’ve ever walked by a long way!! Please help! 😨

Every penny given will go towards Diabetes UK care and support services, advice and guidance, and pioneering research. Together, we’re changing the world for people with diabetes.

Thank you so much, Steve & Sarah! ❤️

Day 5/61: ‘One Million Step Challenge For Diabetes UK! ❤️

Hi FitBlitz Friends!!

Wow that train track is close, lol! 😨 I’m so glad i stayed where i was when i took this photo…I thought i wouldn’t get the tracks in the shot, but once i arrived home and zoomed in on my iMac…It’s right there!! 😀 At least i know not to step any closer, and maybe i can get a slow motion video of the train as i can hear when it comes.

My Steps So Far…💪🏼

At the time of this post i’m just over 115,000 steps after 5 days…I’m hoping for some more steps this evening, as i’m trying to build a surplus before my legs burn off, as you never know what can happen to this blindman whilst out on the trail…So i’ll get the steps in when i can! 💪🏼

Today’s Theme: “Round” 🤔

I spent my walk thinking about what i could post for today’s theme, i was thinking my walking fuel ‘chocolate hob nobs’ are round, lol. So when i arrived home and logged my steps on my page…I instantly received this ‘Round’ award from Diabetes UK, perfect!! 💪🏼 😀

Day 4/61: ‘One Million Step Challenge For Diabetes UK! ❤️

Hi FitBlitz Friends!!

Yay i actually managed to get me and a bit of the trail in a selfie this morning! 😲 I thought i’ve been taking hundreds of photos whilst on my trail walks…But not one of me on the trail which could lead to you thinking i’m just posting anyones photos, lol! 🤣 I can’t see my iPhone at all so don’t take many selfies, mainly as i’m old and think the camera should be pointing the other way (others come first). 🤣

Please let me know if you like seeing me in the frame with the trail, and i’ll have to start trying to get better at it…Meanwhile here is a normal photo of my trail! 🤣

I managed 8.5 miles today in the hot sun and had no dramas. I was trying to slow down to just over 3 mph but my body just won’t slow whilst on the trail…What’s wrong with it, lol! 🤣 😡

My Steps So Far…💪🏼

At the time of this post i’m just over 92,000 steps after 4 days…I’m hoping for some more steps this afternoon and evening, as i’m trying to build a surplus before my legs burn off, as you never know what can happen to this blindman whilst out on the trail…So i’ll get the steps in when i can! 💪🏼

Today’s Theme: “W” 🤔

After checking the theme for today on the Facebook group and saw it was “W”, i thought a post about ‘Water’ would be very educational and how important it is to stay hydrated. Then i thought – walking, waving and so many more…But there wasn’t a chance i was passing up another opportunity to show off my lovely ‘WARRIOR’ ‘WIFE’ Sarah!!! 🌻 😀

Day 3/61: Meet Sarah’s Walking Warriors! 💪🏼 ❤️

Hi FitBlitz Family!!

When i first posted on Facebook about this crazy challenge and how i wanted to do it in 2 months instead of 3, and for Diabetes UK for my lovely wife Sarah as inspiration and motivation… I received a comment from our friend Anita saying she wanted to do it too! Anita then set up this ‘Sarah’s Walking Warriors‘ fundraising page and i quickly joined. Wow what a name!!! 😀

Anita used to work with Sarah at ‘World Cancer Research Fund’ and quickly became friends with Sarah (who wouldn’t??) so she got to know quite a bit about type one diabetes and soon joined me on this challenge. Anita also was one of the ‘Crazy Clappers’ on my first ‘Blind Steve’ challenge which was the ‘Tough Mudder‘ back in Oct 2018. 💪🏼

Anita is an absolute walking machine and is the master that i’ve always inspired to walk like…Yes you may think that i walk a lot but it’s a proper feeble amount compared with Anita!! So to have her join me on this challenge is fantastic…Unfortunately we both still have to walk one million steps each though…Although i think Anita will finish in a bout a week, lol! 🤣

Sarah’s Walking Warriors …👟

Taken from the team page “Welcome to our Diabetes UK Million Steps team page. Did you know someone is diagnosed with diabetes every two minutes? 4.8 million people are living with diabetes in the UK right now. That’s why this summer we’re taking steps for our own bodies and steps for everybody living with diabetes. Together we can fight for a world where diabetes can do no harm. Please hit the donate button and support our stepping challenge. Every step and every donation counts.”

A large red donate now button

Thank you so much, the walking warriors!! ❤️

Day 2/61: ‘One Million Step Challenge For Diabetes UK! ❤️

A windy trail in the centre of the image with trees all around from left to right

Hi FitBlitz Family!!

Wow that was tough!! For the last couple of miles i was staggering like a zombie in an 80’s dodgy horror film, lol! 🤣 I know my new extended trail lap is harder as it has more uphill sections, but this was crazy…I was exhausted, dripping with sweat as it’s still hot here and drinking my water like a dying man. But i managed the 9.3 miles (about 19,000 steps) before lunchtime, and i’ve only got 59 days to go, lol! 🤣 😨

A large close up of a sunflower taking up the whole left of the photograph

The sunflower above is one of Sarah’s in the garden. I managed to earn some more steps last night by watering the flowers…Well once i’d picked myself off the ground after my first 9.3 miles walk yesterday! 🤣 And as this flower hit me in the face…I thought i’d take a photo of it. Wow it’s nearly as bright as a Sarah smile! 😲

My Steps So Far…💪🏼

At the time of this post i’m just under 43,000 steps after 2 days…I’m hoping for some more steps this afternoon and evening, as i’m trying to build a surplus before my legs explode as you never know what each day will bring…So i’ll get the steps in when i can! 💪🏼

Today’s Theme: Grey…🤔

After checking the theme for today on the Facebook group and telling Sarah it was “Grey”. She jumped up and said “I know just the thing”, wow i’ve not even got my walking gear on yet, lol! 🤣 Yay it’s Boofle and his “Grey” coffee please t-shirt! Awww and do i need coffee today! 😀

My Fundraising Progress So Far…❤️❤️❤️ I LO

A half filled climbing scale from left to right. with £125 raised with a £250 target below

If you (like me) are feeling inspired…Please hit the donate button and support my stepping challenge. Every step and every donation counts. Join me and let’s help everybody living with diabetes. For all the mums, dads, wives, husbands, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, grandparents, best friends and of course my lovely wife Sarah…creating a world where diabetes can do no harm.

A large red donate now button

Every penny given will go towards Diabetes UK care and support services, advice and guidance, and pioneering research. Together, we’re changing the world for people with diabetes.

Thank you so much, Steve & Sarah! ❤️

Day 1/61: ‘One Million Step Challenge For Diabetes UK! ❤️

Hi FitBlitz Family!!

Well this is it, the start of my gruelling 500 mile step challenge. I put on my stupendous new trail shoes, my backpack with water, lucozade and maybe a protein bar or two, lol…When Sarah said “Quick you need to have a photo for the start of your challenge, and to show the Fitblitz family that you’ve started”…Above is the photo of the old blind guy trying to walk 500 miles, lol! 🤣


I managed a 9.3 mile (2 of my new laps) to kick off this morning steps. It worked out at 19,062 steps, so i quickly logged it on my fundraising page…A good start and i still have more to come on this first day! 😀

Today’s Theme: Pink…

During this challenge i’d joined the ‘One million step’ Facebook group, and they have a theme for each day to keep things interesting. As you know i like taking photos but i was stumped on my very first theme…It was ‘Pink’. You will also know that i’m blind but i’m also colour blind too and i see pinks as silver, lol! 🤣 So Sarah (as we are a team) took my phone and went into the garden as she had just the thing to complete the theme, yay!! 💪🏼

The incredible donation…

I’d just walked alongside the rail crossing in the intense heat and was very tired (no i didn’t play chicken with the train, lol) and i was about 7 miles into my walk when…The jolly muppets theme tune blasted my ears off letting me know i’ve just received a donation! The donation was from my lovely wife Sarah and she’d left me this message “Thanks for doing this amazing challenge to support diabetes UK my lovely husband. I just wanted to contribute and get you started on what is going to be a very tiring 2 months ahead. You can do it !!!“. It means so much to me that i have Sarah’s blessing, encouragement and support, it floods my heart! ❤️

Not only was this a fantastic donation which has boosted my motivation like a turbocharger…But it meant i passed the £100 milestone which means Diabetes UK will now send me out a ‘one million step’ t-shirt to wear! 😲 Of course when it arrives i’ll get lots of photos for you. Now to hit the £250 milestone which means i’ll earn the 400ml water bottle…I need lots of water!! 💪🏼 😀

If you (like me) are feeling inspired…Please hit the donate button and support my stepping challenge. Every step and every donation counts. Join me and let’s help everybody living with diabetes. For all the mums, dads, wives, husbands, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, grandparents, best friends and of course my lovely wife Sarah…creating a world where diabetes can do no harm.

Every penny given will go towards Diabetes UK care and support services, advice and guidance, and pioneering research. Together, we’re changing the world for people with diabetes.

Thank you so much, Steve & Sarah! ❤️

❤️ Fundraising Friday: Please help me reach my fundraising target.

Me carrying my lovely princess Sarah! ❤️

Hi FitBlitz Family!!

For the last 18 years since meeting my ‘T1D Warrior Wife Sarah’, i’ve always wanted to be a ‘Sarah’s Walking Warrior’ and raise money for Diabetes…So here is the 4th ‘Blind Steve’ fundraising challenge…💪🏼

Support Blind Steve in the Diabetes UK – One Million Step Challenge

Diabetes is relentless and simply never stops…But neither do I!

For the last 18 years i’ve seen first hand how my lovely wife Sarah battles, struggles and copes with her ‘brittle Type 1’ diabetes. She’s such a warrior and is truly my inspiration on perseverance, determination and drive to keep fighting. 

So last week, when I heard of the ‘One Million Step Challenge’  i had to sign up straight away. I’ve always wanted to fundraise for Diabetes UK and show Sarah how much it means to me too, and this is my chance! 

I realise this challenge has already started (running from 1st July to 30th September 2022). Requiring participants to walk a million steps over those three months. My cunning plan is to start the challenge on Monday 1st August and try and walk the one million steps in two months instead! This works out at over 16,000 steps each day, for the 61 days, without a rest…That’s 500 miles! I will post daily on FitBlitz and give you all of the progress, dramas on my walks and hopefully some lovely photos too! 😀

Type 1 diabetes never gives Sarah a rest, so I don’t want to have one either during my fundraising challenge!

Quick Factoid…

Did you know someone is diagnosed with diabetes every two minutes? As many as 4.8 million people are living with diabetes in the UK right now.

So if you’re feeling inspired…Please hit the donate button and support my stepping challenge. Every step and every donation counts. Join me and let’s help everybody living with diabetes. For all the mums, dads, wives, husbands, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, grandparents, and best friends, creating a world where diabetes can do no harm.

One million steps is around 500 miles, i’ve already donated £25…It’s going to be a really tough challenge and it’s the furthest i’ve ever walked by a long way!! Please help! 😨

Every penny given will go towards Diabetes UK care and support services, advice and guidance, and pioneering research. Together, we’re changing the world for people with diabetes.

Thank you so much, Steve & Sarah! ❤️

The Gift of Walking! 😀

Hi FitBlitz Friends! For some reason the video below was recommended by YouTube yesterday (not sure why it thinks i like walking, lol). As a stats man i love all of the benefits given, and as walking is now my main form of transport since losing my sight…Always wondered why God was building my legs up through football, cycling and weight training (yes i think i was the only one who loved leg day) when i was fully sighted, lol?! Now i have to carry everything in a backpack and walk everywhere…And now i’ve never felt better in my whole life!! 💪🏼 😀

Oh yes this was meant to be a quick post showing you a great video, lol, i could ramble on for ages! 🤣

The Gift Of Walking Video…💪🏼

Let’s ‘FitBlitz’ 2022 Together!! 💪🏼 😀

Motivational Quote…💬

“Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated”

This is written on the back of my INOV8 T-Shirt! 🤣

❤️The Blind Sightseers: Visit Breadsall Priory!😲

Hi Friends! For our 15th wedding anniversary we decided on visiting the ‘Breadsall Priory Marriott Hotel & Country Club‘ for 3 nights in Derby, UK, and wow was it a special time. When i was 12 (35 years ago 😲) i used to do my morning paper round in Breadsall village, but i’d never visited this place even though i lived in Derby for 30 years! Oh and it has an indoor swimming pool for Sarah…She absolutely loves swimming, so her goes…😀

The Bear Cafe…😋

When we arrived in Derby after a 3 hour journey on a train, a tube train and then another train…We walked straight to the BEAR cafe as they do the best croissants and strong coffee. When i say ‘Best’ i don’t mean it’s at the top of the ‘Blind Sightseers Gastronomic Leaderboard’ that is still the phenomenal croissants we had in Amalfi, Italy…I mean the best in Derby that we’ve had so far, lol! 🤣 I was just so pleased to put down my massive backpack (the one use for rucking) and i think i’d filled every pocket and pouch! 😨

Welcom to Breadsall Priory…😲

Info taken from Marriott’s website: “Experience a majestic sense of arrival as you drive down the mile-long approach surrounded by rolling Derbyshire countryside. Steeped in rich history, Breadsall Priory Marriott Hotel and Country Club dates back to 1266 and is the oldest Marriott in the world. Bordered by the Peak District National Park and its natural beauty, we are also conveniently close to many local attractions, including Chatsworth House and Kedleston Hall. Sleep well in our sophisticated rooms, work out in the gym, spend time relaxing at the spa or taking a dip in our heated indoor pool. Perfect your swing on one of our two golf courses, including the Championship Priory Course which offers challenging and varied play. We have two fantastic restaurants on site, Cast Iron Grill offers fresh, locally sourced best of British dishes including Afternoon Tea whilst the Tempo Bar is the perfect setting for a coffee.”

Yay we’ve made it…🙌

Exiting the taxi (and making lots of wow noises) we made it to the front desk. The kind lady then walked us to our room…How easy does that sound? I think it was the most convoluted walk i’ve ever done, a maze would’ve been easier, lol. The lady (and Sarah) were fantastic at telling me about the stairs up, then down, then up and then down you get the point, it felt like we’d walked around the hotel 10 times until we finally arrived at the room…Good for the step count though! 🤣

Room 170…😲

The room was fantastic and overlooked the 18th hole (not sure which one of the 2 golf courses it was) and we quickly made ourselves at home and unpacked (can’t believe i didn’t take any photos of the actual room). The room phone started ringing and after we zoned in to the noise and located it…We picked it up. It was Charlotte (a super kind lady) and she said that she’d give us a walking tour of the whole place as she knew we were blind…Wow how kind is that?!

Charlotte first showed us the rear door of the hotel which was about 30 steps from our room and it led outside to a lovely arch which was right outside the other window in our room (see photos below) and to a small car park which led straight to the ‘Tempo Bar’, ‘Gym & Swimming Pool’ and a much easier wide road that led us around to the front of the hotel…Wow our room was at the very end corner of the hotel and was perfectly located for us to be near the pool and gym…Fantastic! 💪🏼 😀

The Gym & Swim…🏋🏻‍♂️🏊🏻‍♂️

The indoor pool was the main reason for booking this hotel as the swimming pools at home are far too busy for us blindies. Charlotte introduced us to Gemma (she was amazingly helpful and kind for the whole 4 days) and she too gave us a guided tour around the whole place. We were amazed at just how big it was…The swimming pool was nice and large, and next to it was a jacuzzi, sauna and steam room…Sarah loved all of them, lol. Then up the stairs (my domain, lol) was the large cardio room (see photo below), large weight machines room and also a free weights room too! We absolutely loved this place and went every day at 6am (when it opened) and we were the first people in, it was like we had hired it all for ourselves, fantastic when you can’t see and having the feeling of freedom as we didn’t bump into anyone, lol! 🤣

he empty cardio gym

Once Gemma had shown me an easy way to use the treadmill, i was armed and ready for action. I would leave Sarah to get changed for swimming and as i’d memorised my way to the treadmills, i would hit the big start button, and i had up and down buttons on the handles for incline and speed which i kept changing to increase the intensity! Then i just kept walking until Sarah would come and tell me to stop as she’d finished and…I never knew how long Sarah would be, i just hoped she’d be back before i collapsed, lol! 🤣

We went at least 2 times a day, and i think Sarah even went 4 times on the Saturday. It was so accessible and felt like it was made for us, we hav’nt experienced anything quite so good like this. Gemma was even motivated by us going all of the time, and said that next time we come (and we definitely will) she’ll be working out even harder! 💪🏼 😀

Cast Iron Grill…🥩

after FitBlitzing it in the gym and swim we were really looking forwards to the evening meal at the in-house restaurant, we had a lovely walk around the grounds as the restaurant was at the front of the hotel …But first a quick toast for our 15th wedding anniversary!! ❤️

We both skipped the starters and headed straight for the sirloin steaks…Wow they even came with chips. I

☢️ HEALTH WARNING… Ding, Ding, Ding…Boom! 😋

Yay it’s the sound of the ‘Blind Sightseers Gastronomic Leaderboard’ bell, and it’s not for the steak! It was the stupendous ‘Bearnaise’ sauce. It was simply amazing and was the tastiest bearnaise sauce we’ve ever tasted…And Sarah is the sauce master as she’s pretty much tasted every sauce going, lol! 🤣

As you can tell i’m enjoying the meal, and it wasn’t long before all of the food had vanished…Now it was time to choose dessert…It was at this point when the waitress turned up with a large tray and set it down on the table. She then said “Happy anniversary”. Sarah & i were both stunned as we didn’t even know that they knew it was our anniversary?! We thanked her profusely then Sarah described it to me…Mmmm chocolate! 😋

It was absolutely delicious and of course i had to eat Sarah’s brownie too (after she’d had a tea spoon) as we didn’t want her blood sugar to spike too much! Oh and the funny photo below shows just how sweet it tasted!! 🤣

We were completely blown away by the kind and considerate staff in the entire hotel, as they’d really taken our sight loss to heart and were bending over backwards and going the extra mile for us to make our stay as accessible as possible…We really can’t thank them enough. We walked around the grounds some more to finish off our anniversary…

And then just when we’d arrived back to our room Sarah found this for us…😲

I’m not sure what more i can say about their kindness?! We will keep the card in our memory box, but i’m sorry, the handmade chocolates didn’t last the visit, lol! 🤣

The Secret Garden…🌻

On day 2, 3 & 4 (same amazing routine each day) we woke up at 5:30am and got to the leisure centre for 6am, Gemma was turning everything on and was impressed that we’d got up early and were the first to arrive. We had a fantastic time and Sarah loved having the pool to herself to finally swim without any interruptions or people in the way…And i took to walking on a treadmill instead of the treacherous trail at home, lol! 🤣 Then after we had the great breakfast we had a look around the ground and found the secret garden and a lovely bench to enjoy it! 😀

The Bench…☀️

The sun was blazing down for the whole 4 days which made the bench a perfect place to sit. Nobody walked past or even came near so it felt like nobody knew about this place…This worked great for us as it was like our home away from home. 😀

After my attempt at ‘Photobombing’ we went for a little walk around the whole grounds (well as far as we could go without getting blasted by golf balls) and just enjoyed being away in this stunning place. 😀

The Flowers…🌻

I then heard lots of wow noises coming from Sarah as she asked me to take photos of her with some of the stunning flowers!

Then once i’d peeled Sarah away from some of her fave flowers, we carried on enjoying, making wow noises and soaking in the lovely sunshine…Until we found something interesting…?? 🤔 ☀️

Blind Chess Anyone…?

As we walked towards the building and around one of the sides, we found some large garden games. Sarah said “You’re going to love this” as she walked me up to the chessboard on the ground and lifted one of the pieces up for me to figure out?! I could just about make out the knight but believe it or not, i still need the pieces to be bigger…Maybe as big as me to be able to have a game, lol! 🤣 Sarah then said “Quick let me get a photo of you and you can show it to your bloggers…Another fantastic idea from my lovely wife, hope you enjoy! 😀

my new niece jessica…😲

Kelly with baby Jessica! 😀

As this was a 3 night stay for our 15th wedding anniversary, we wanted it to be low key as we didn’t have time to visit everyone whilst we were up near Derby…But we thought it would be a great way of seeing my new niece for the first time (if they could come to us for a quick visit) they did, and we had a lovely couple of hours catching up with Paul (my brother), Kelly and my new niece Jessica…

Happy 13th birthday Ella…😀

On our 4th day (Sunday) we had to check out of the room at 12:00, so we just had time for a gym & swim, a walk around the grounds and my friend Rob and his family to come for breakfast and celebrate Ella’s 13th birthday with us. We had a great time (no not just the breakfast, lol) and when we were travelling home later that day, we were sent the picture (above) of Ella and her new cute rabbit!

Wow what a lovely 15th wedding anniversary…❤️

I’ve had such a lovely time putting this post together and remembering just how much fun, love and laughter i shared with my stupendous wife Sarah…I can’t wait for her to read this and see the photos…I hope you all and Sarah enjoy the ‘Blind Sightseers’ latest adventure?! 😀

Oh i almost forgot…I bought Sarah the bouquet of sunflowers etc as she has worked at MS (multiple sclerosis) Society for a year, and i thought i’d finish this post with sunflowers and smiles!! 🌻 😀

Motivational Monday: FitBlitzing Footwear From Fitstuff! 😲

Inov8 TrailFly Ultra G300 Max

Blind Steve’s ‘One Million Step Challenge‘ For Diabetes UK…Just 1 week to go!! 😨

Hi FitBlitz Friends! . Now these bad boys really put the ‘Motivation’ in to Monday, lol! 🤣 On Saturday me and my lovely wife Sarah visited Fitstuff in Guildford, Surrey, UK, to hopefully buy some more trail shoes ready for my next FitBlitzing fundraiser for Diabetes UK starting in 1 week. As i’ve already put about 350 miles on my old Inov8 Terraultra G270 trail shoes (thanks to the trail marathon & all of the training) i needed a new pair as this latest challenge is 500 miles (that’s the complete life of a pair of trail shoes). As my current super bright orange trail shoes still have 150 miles left, i wanted a pair that were a little more cushioned (as it’s way further than i’ve been before) but still just like my current ones as they are amazing…So when i asked the incredibly helpful ‘Megan’ at Fitstuff…She presented me with these bad boys!!! 😲 💪🏼

The INOV8 TrailFly Ultra G300 MAX Trail Shoes…😲

Have you seen the colour??!! In real life they are even brighter, lol! I just love bright shoes and Inov8 never disappoint…I can’t see my feet so i don’t have to be blinded by them (pun intended). 🤣

I’ve already taken them out on the trail with my lovely wife Sarah and put 7 miles on them. They are super cushioned with a 6mm heel toe drop yet i can still feel everything that’s going on under my feet…I always wear minimal shoes as i rely on using my feet to see where i’m going, and these seemed to be massively cushioned yet sensitive to my feel…Fantastic! I love them so much that i don’t want to burn them out over 2 months!! 😭

Motivational Quote:

“Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated”

This is written on the back of my INOV8 T-Shirt! 🤣

Let’s ‘FitBlitz’ 2022 Together!! 💪🏼 😀

Support Blind Steve in the Diabetes UK – One Million Step Challenge! ❤️

“Diabetes is relentless and simply never stops…But neither do I!” – Blind Steve 💪🏼

Hi FitBlitz Family!!

The blindman is off the sidelines again…And while God gives me the strength in my legs…i’ll use them for doing crazy fundraising challenges to help others! I really didn’t want to fill this blog with annoying fundraising asks, as my last fundraiser ‘Trail Marathon‘ was only in April 2022…But you know me…And when i stumbled across this ‘One Million Step Challenge’ and found it was for Diabetes UK i just had to do something!

For the last 18 years since meeting my ‘T1D Warrior Wife Sarah’, i’ve always wanted to be a ‘Sarah’s Walking Warrior’ and raise money for Diabetes…So here is the 4th ‘Blind Steve’ fundraising challenge…💪🏼

Quick Link to my fundraising page:

Below is the story taken from my fundraising page…

Support Blind Steve in the Diabetes UK – One Million Step Challenge

Diabetes is relentless and simply never stops…But neither do I!

For the last 18 years i’ve seen first hand how my lovely wife Sarah battles, struggles and copes with her ‘brittle Type 1’ diabetes. She’s such a warrior and is truly my inspiration on perseverance, determination and drive to keep fighting. 

So last week, when I heard of the ‘One Million Step Challenge’  i had to sign up straight away. I’ve always wanted to fundraise for Diabetes UK and show Sarah how much it means to me too, and this is my chance! 

I realise this challenge has already started (running from 1st July to 30th September 2022). Requiring participants to walk a million steps over those three months. My cunning plan is to start the challenge on Monday 1st August and try and walk the one million steps in two months instead! This works out at over 16,000 steps each day, for the 61 days, without a rest

Type 1 diabetes never gives Sarah a rest, so I don’t want to have one either during my fundraising challenge…The nature reserve trail is going to get a pounding again, lol! 🤣 

Quick Factoid…

Did you know someone is diagnosed with diabetes every two minutes? As many as 4.8 million people are living with diabetes in the UK right now.

So if you’re feeling inspired…Please hit the donate button and support my stepping challenge. Every step and every donation counts. Join me and let’s help everybody living with diabetes. For all the mums, dads, wives, husbands, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, grandparents, and best friends, creating a world where diabetes can do no harm.

Let’s get this party started!! 🎉 As 1 Million steps is around 500 miles, i’ve already donated 5p per mile (£25.00)…It’s going to be a really tough challenge and it’s the furthest i”ve ever walked…But i’ve got to do the steps now!!

Every penny given will go towards Diabetes UK care and support services, advice and guidance, and pioneering research. Together, we’re changing the world for people with diabetes.

Thank you so much, Steve! ❤️

☀️Are You Staying Cool? 😅

Hi FitBlitz family! As i’m sat here typing this during this ‘European Heat Wave’ with a desk fan blowing my head off trying to stay cool…I was thinking about all of you guys and hoped you’re managing in the heat? I know we like to ‘FitBlitz’ it on here but i’ve stayed in for the last few days while it’s been super hot…I love rest days too, lol! 🤣

Sarah in our fave place in the world…Southern Palms, Barbados! 😀

It should reach 40˚C today here in Surrey, England, UK, and unfortunately the ‘Blind Sightseers’ don’t have the amazing Barbados beach or the Sharkey’s Tropical Cafe to enjoy…Which reminds me…I have about 100 posts of the Blind Sightseers’ escapades and adventures i could post again, this time with extra trips and travels?! Is this something you’d like to see? 🤔

Sarah at Sharkey’s Tropical Cafe in Barbados, drinking a lovely iced coffee!

Are you managing in the heat? Is it hot where you are? 🤔

Let’s FitBlitz 2022 Together!! 💪🏼