Thankful Thursday: 3.42 mile speedy walk πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ¦―

Today’s Pond Photo…

Trail pond photo from the side path

Hi Fitblitzers.

As i completed my longer walk yesterday, my plan was to do a 6 mile (2 lap) walk nice and slow to give my legs time to relax and i could sit back and enjoy this beautiful place…This didn’t happen, lol! 🀣

My Inov-8 trailfly ultra G300 max trail shoes…

I have 2 pairs of trail shoes and i do a shoe rotation each day so the foam padding has time to spring back, and this means i get no blisters, bad feet, shins or leg damage. . Unfortunately it’s the day i wear my fave Inov-8’s and as soon as i left the road and joined the light trail paths…My shoes seemed to hit a super sport mode and hunkered down and sped off! Thankfully it wasn’t a sunny day today so as my legs steamed on ahead, i held on for dear life and resigned myself to a speedy 1 lap instead. 😨

Trail path on back hill climb

Looking through the photos i post on here on my mac with full zoom, i forget just how beautiful the trail is. It’s so easy to forget as i’m stomping through with tired legs, aching bones, thirsty throat and a starving belly, lol. πŸ˜‹ I’m so thankful that i stop and take a few photos as i can enjoy them when i get home.

I also want to say i’m so thankful that even though i’m blind, i can go out walking through God’s beautiful creation, listen to my audio navigation Soundscape app and create beacons, have loving memories of family and friends and capture some photos for you to enjoy around the world…I don’t think i’ll ever get my head around having you guys out there to love, encourage and support me in ways i didn’t even know were possible…Thanks for being a blessing! πŸ™ πŸ˜€

A Biblical Blessing:..πŸ™

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Let’s ‘FitBlitz’ 2024 Together! πŸ’ͺ🏼

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